
The main trust area of activities and objectives of the Trust shall be to provide higher and further technical education, organize and take-up health facilities, women empowerment programs, self-employment in agriculture sector, pollution prevention, social awareness. cow protection, running & maintenance of Gaushalas, child welfare for human development in rural areas and provisions of all the basic needs of a person to lead a normal life at affordable costs to the general public without any profit-making motive or to have any other form of gain by so doing Without affecting the generality of the above mentioned objectives, the specific objectives to be achieved and activities to be undertaken are:

To promote, encourage, support, assist, advance and aid education and medical activities by promoting schools, colleges, university(s) for pre-primary, primary, secondary, undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral, post-doctoral, vocational or otherwise in various branches or fields of education and to promote hospitals, blood banks stem cell bank, placenta bank, Nursing homes, healthcare services for treating any ailment, illness, disability, disorder or disease at national and international level.

  1. To promote, encourage, assist, support, facilitate, aid, the training, placement and service sector activities required in various fields of life, life supporting activities in every aspect in rural, urban and metro areas, for developing various skills like leadership, entrepreneurship, technical, non-technical, political, social, sports and agricultural, arts, culture, craft and all other areas which are responsible to make the life more comfortable, by utilizing the direct or indirect potential of unemployed or employed, skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled manpower and meeting the requirements of appropriately trained manpower in quality and quantity on a sustained and evolving basis as required by society at national and international level.
  2. To promote, encourage, support, assist, advance and aid water and soil conservation, ground water recharging storage and its distribution activities by promoting and providing feasible solutions and services to establish, develop, design, construct, setup, operate, maintain, repair, supervise, de-silting the water conservation structures and to generate, distribute hydropower, to make aware the masses by various means about various recharge methods and carrying out its implementation at national level & International level.
  3. To assist, help, aid, support to an individual or any organization, public bodies, corporations, companies, trusts, foundations having similar objectives by way of providing donations, loan, endowments, grants, contributions, gifts and other means.
  4. To provide, make available, supply the skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled manpower and or the services like, secretarial, office, administrative, housekeeping catering, hospitality, security, driver, chauffeur, logistics, farming gardening and landscaping, transportation, event management on mutual agreement basis; proposal acceptance basis, on contractual basis to any sector, organization like government, semi-government, non-government organizations, corporate sector, educational institutes, hospitals, Trusts, Local governing bodies, banking sector, Agriculture and Agriculture allied, Production / marketing activities. Food Industries and other industries at national level & International level.
  5. To set, run, establish, maintain, encourage, operate Goshala, Cattle Farms and process & market their allied products.
  6. To establish, promote, open, setup, run, maintain, manage, operate, support, aid, help or assist schools, colleges or any other institution, organization, association or body, engaged in education or training (pre-primary, primary, secondary, undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral, post-doctoral, vocational or otherwise), in various branches or fields of commerce, science, legal, medicine, engineering, economic, industrial, commercial, management, civil, architectural literature, art, fine arts, performing arts, craft technical or such other branch of education in India or elsewhere, and to give assistance to such schools, colleges or institutions, by way of loans, endowments, donations, grants, contributions, gifts and other means.
  7. To develop patterns of teaching at pre-primary, primary, secondary, undergraduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral levels and maintain high standards of training, including its applications and award course, certificates and other academic or professional distinction.